Remember when I wrote about our sessions in the big hall? Those were sessions to teach corps members entrepreneurial skills as under the Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development program (SAED). The camp authorities in their knowledge and wisdom mandated every one of us to attend it and those there were some wonderful skills to learn, there is only word to describe SAED: BOORRRRIINGGG!!!!
When the SAED program started, one of the camp authorities talked about the aims, objectives and merits of SAED (I can't remember a single thing of what he said to this day). The different skill classes under the program were announced and it was announced that attendance would be taken at all the classes. There was bead-making and wirework, cosmetology, tailoring, ICT training, food processing and snack-making, and one skill that had to do with wires. I didn't pay attention so I have no idea what the wires are for. Oh yes, there was also a class on HSE! Yeah, I think that sums it up.
In the days following that first day, I and Justus (my bunk neighbour) were trying one class after another. We had tried sneaking back into our 'dorm' but, no luck with the vigilance of the soldiers around. So we were looking for the class with minimum stress. According to the camp authorities, we would get certificates after having a 6-time attendance at our chosen class. I and Justus would sit in a class for a while, sign attendance then look for another one when it got boring.
The first class we went for was HSE. When the man began talking about buying a particular book and registering for the course with 15000, we disappeared fast! (Ahan, allowee don get budget even if e never enter and book no dey budget abeg!). Then we went to the snack and food-processing class and nibbled on samples which the woman passed round to illustrate the lesson she was teaching. We looked at each other and said, yeah..this is the class we want, and we settled to enjoy the class that day.
The following day, we went back to the food class the following day and got the news; we were to pay 300 naira to get forms then pay 10000 naira for the full course on food processing, cake baking and other snacks. We considered paying the 300 naira but then we remembered the food from the camp's kitchen which was closely followed by thoughts of Calabar Kitchen's heavenly culinary delicacies. Calabar Kitchen won the decision! That's how we quietly excused ourselves and went to the ICT class where we stayed for the duration of the SAED program.
At the ICT class, I was looking forward to learn Adobe photoshop even if it's theoretically. Lo and behold, the man began to talk about Microsoft Excel and Word and how to open Windows; things I learnt in JSS3. Imagine my shock after all the anticipation! I promised myself that I won't pay attention to whatever the man said but wait to collect certificate. Justus listened more than I did. Cynthia was at the bead-making and wirework class and she took it very seriously; i was proud of her. For the duration of my attendance at the ICT class, I either dozed or browsed. Infact I downloaded so many songs without disturbance, I was almost sorry when the program ended.
For prospective corps members who would read this, if SAED is still on, please pay attention. And when you hear "SAED!", you should say "OSUPA!!" but if dem catch you, no be me advice you oh! Still, you might learn a few things. Either that or you download a lot of songs. As for me, I am not complaining. I still enjoy the songs I downloaded during those sessions and right now, I want to enjoy 'Durosoke' by Olamide. I'll write about some of the social activities on camp later. In the words of Baddo, "I can’t shout oro po ninu iwe kobo//Body no be fire wood mi o de n se robot"
By Oluwasina Niran
wow! I cant stop laughing! thumb up dude