How long shall i continue sitting cross legged
across the fence of insanity?
How long shall I continue sleeping
atop the bed of solitude?
How long shall i continue to wander aloof
Along the lonely streets of depression?
How long shall i continue to shoot at the skies
With blood lustful eyes?
Muddled in the gutters of pains
Drenched in the soak-away of rejection
For i have loved to insurmountable heights
And now i but drop from its nozzle
My tea's gone cold
I don't want breakfast anymore and sleep has left me far behind
To lay wasteful in the vineyard of Equatorial elixir
If my heart don't beat anymore
Would it kill me?
If i sit on a brimstone of fire would it burn me?
The more i think, the more tipsy i become
the less i drink, the less frisky i become
The more i sleep, the less risky life becomes.
So I'll just sleep the rest of my life
Till am purged
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