If you’re honest with yourself, then you know that not everyone in your life will support every decision you make.People will judge you. It’s inevitable. But that doesn’t mean you have to apologize for making a decision they don’t agree with.Bringing yourself down by apologizing for things you aren’t sorry for only takes away a part of who you are. It’s worth making a point to be honest with others. Start by not apologizing for these 10 things.
1. Your Past
Do you have a friend or family member who always brings up the same instance over and over? And it’s something that happened 10 years ago? Do they still use it to manipulate you?
Your past is just that. It’s your past.
Everyone makes foolish mistakes. We were all dumb teenagers once. But as long as it’s not part of who you are today and you’ve forgiven yourself for your mistakes, it shouldn’t be on your list of things to apologize for.