Hello Guyz;
Language is one of the most beautiful innovations that the conscience of mankind has ever created.
How we are able to shape sounds and articulate information with our mouths, hands, facial expressions and any other medium of direct communication is absolutely profound and allows us to exercise the great depth of the human mind.
Conversations can quickly escalate from a simple “Hello” (of course, accompanied by a soothing smile) to jokes and laughing, maybe a few flirtatious hints or innuendos, or the occasional serious tones that lets a person know you mean business.
But how exactly do you use this art form to entertain the woman of your dreams?
Well, you’re about to find out. Walk with me...
While this information holds true, I would like to go into a little bit of detail regarding how these behaviors affect the relationship and overall experience when speaking to a woman..
•1. Good grammar (and speech) is very important.•!
Besides your looks and your natural mannerisms, this is one of the first things that a woman is going to observe about you during a conversation.
Girls are attracted to guys who can talk intelligently and clearly; if she has to strain her ears to understand what you’re saying, that’s a big turn-off.
However, this should not be confused with an accent. A man who speaks with an accent can be extremely attractive, and many women who respect different cultures from all around the world will learn to appreciate a true accent, even if she has to pay a little more attention to understand what he’s saying.
Avoid using slang words, unless the intent is to make her laugh or add some sarcastic flavor to the dialogue.
You should also be able to pronounce your words with ease, and if you think you might have trouble pronouncing certain words, just don’t use them. Ok, so you might be a little shy and you may mess up a few words; just don’t make it a habit.
The conversation should flow naturally, and most girls are good at picking up on whether or not a guy is trying too hard to impress her..!
•2. Asking Questions.•
Here’s where it gets tricky:
Yes, women want you to make an effort to learn more about them and it’s important to show interest in all the things that make her unique. But you’re not interviewing her for a job, and your string of requests about her life story should not sound like an employment opportunity. Mix it up a little.
For example, ask a question then wait for her response. Maybe you might nod or use another gesture to indicate that you’ve heard what she said, then tell her something about you that’s relatable to the topic. Or you could subtly compliment her (aka flirting), then make a joke to continue breaking the ice if the relationship is young.
Better yet, if you’re a confident man and you think you’ve got what it takes to sweep her off of her feet, go in for a kiss right in the middle of her reply! :D
The point is: Don’t bore her to death with question after question. Make it interesting enough so that she can look forward to what you both have to share with each other.
I can promise you that, when done correctly, she will be thinking about you even when you’re not around her because she’s engulfed in the mystery of what’s going to happen when she sees or talks to you again.!
•3. Use smiley faces…and more.•
If you’re not using smiley faces (or emojis, in general) when you’re texting her, you’re doing it wrong, bro..
And it’s not just because they look cool and give substance to the conversation, but simply because they have the ability to portray emotions. Whether it’s a laughing matter, a sad or depressing mood or an angry, more serious engagement, women want to see that you actually care for what you’re talking about.. Yeah!
It usually starts with eye contact, and chances are her eyes will be on you, especially if she likes you and she’s interested. She will definitely be observing the different faces you make, and sometimes she will even go as far as saying certain things in order to get that desired reaction from you.
Although ladies should not necessarily expect a guy to behave how she would ultimately prefer, you should still be displaying some kind of emotion based upon the current state of the relationship.
The more sensitive information that she can draw from her interactions with you, the more open she will be with her feelings for you.!
•4. Timing.•
I think it goes without saying that timing is one of the most significant factors in life, and it’s definitely something you should consider when trying to determine how a woman will behave when you decide to engage her.
Only experience will allow you to make better judgments about what to say and when to say it, and even then, you still will need just a little bit of luck on your side in order to control the progression of your relationship with that special girl.
Being faithful and honest with a girl you’re showing interest in is merely scratching the surface; you also need to be fully aware of how a woman is feeling at the time of your advance so that you can tell her what she wants to hear and make her feel comfortable enough to accept you into her life, both mentally and physically..!
Well, Practice makes perfect. So, go out there and start socializing.
Every girl is different, and that’s what makes us as humans so unique. At the end of the day, it’s all about enjoying the world we live in and appreciating all walks of life.!
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