A lot of times, good people mess up intimate relationships unintentionally. Making efforts, knowing what your partner wants and doing it the proper way plus much more is surely something that make two people who are in love go a very long way. Without too much ado, here are top 5 mistakes men make that totally mess up their relationships.
#1. When You Don’t Get Or Understand Women
Switching from one mood to another in a few minutes characterizes feminism, hence the high level of emotions exhibited by females. This however should make you understand that the feminine world is greatly different from that of masculine’s. Her body chemistry is totally different from yours, hence the surprising and unexpected reactions when issues occur.
It is however when you understand that her emotions aren’t irritating interruptions to your boring status quo, but instead a welcome diversion that actually livens up your world and brings you the best things in life like passion, fun and excitement, you’ll see she actually makes your world better every single day.
Look at it this way: the masculine experience is kind of like a coloring book drawing: clear, simple, bold outlines that are fine standing alone on their own. Females are way different. They are totally lacking in tone, depth, dimension or color of any kind. But then the feminine energy brings all the colors of the rainbow to it and it becomes brighter, more vibrant and even radiant. Approach it this way and you’ll have a whole new appreciation for all the gifts your lady can bring to your world.
#2. You Made Something (Or Someone) Else More Important Than Her
Every woman respond to adoration and praise. They need every attention and the presence of their men. The moment they feel something or someone is taking their place in the hearts of their men, they just easily switch…and you know, the switching can be really bad. Letting her know she occupies the most important space in your heart and life matters to her a lot. A compliment and your conscious focus will lighten her up from the inside and you will get to bask in the glow of her beautiful feminine radiance.
On the other hand, because masculine energy tends to be single-focused, targeted and and an inseparable part of who you are as a man…you will, on occasion, ignore her, overlook her and maybe even take her for granted while your attention is elsewhere. This is to be expected; especially when it comes to work and providing for her – but just know that like all things – it has to be balanced. Remember: any time you fail to make her feel special and put something or someone else ahead of her for an extended time…trouble is on the horizon.
#3. You Either Didn’t Build Trust, Or You Broke It
This is an area where men struggle quite a bit due to several factors. Men are logical while women are emotional so men tend to be way less committed, especially early on. Consequently, a women gets to think she is in a “relationship” far sooner than men because she processes emotionally. That combination of logic and lack of early commitment often leads to men looking at other options rather quickly. Whatever mitigating factors may exist, the fact remains that trust is critical for a great relationship.
Once it’s compromised or even threatened, it is difficult for two parties to regain it. So whenever possible, proceed in this area with caution.
#4. You’re Oblivious To Her Feelings
Now that you know that every woman is emotional, you will need to learn how to be consciously aware of how that works or you will struggle in relationships with your woman. Those are your choices so choose carefully. You just have to notice them, acknowledge them, and ride them out with her while you support her. That’s not so hard, right?
#5. You Don’t See The Value Of what she can bring to you
Usually when someone is far more interested in work, recreational activities or maybe even hobbies, for instance, the truth is they are simply living their lives the way they want it..building their deepest values. It just means the relationship simply do not measure up to the payoff you’re getting in other areas. People will always invest their energy where they feel they get the biggest payoff. A man who is inspired and supported in his mission by his woman will find a way to have both, but it’s up to him to prove he has the bandwidth to support both. Guys, you can get all the promotions and raises you want—or land the huge deals that really get your heart pumping —but the question is…how rewarding is it really if you don’t have someone special to celebrate your victories with at the end of the day?
Good one, thank you temitope oke's blog
ReplyDeleteThank you Seyi
ReplyDeleteTah! Give a woman attention and she takes you for granted
ReplyDeleteNiran, that is not true