Wednesday, 10 September 2014

I am a Lie

The silent tears of my shattered heart 
Birthed from submerged pain 
Life's breathe given from underground 
As I caper and dance to the tunes of a merry waltz 
But I am a Lie 

The painful swallows of my parched throat 
Leading to the twisting constructions of my intestines 
Woven around mounds of appendicitic pain 
For you have left me useless, a vestigial organ 
Though I won the Jester Tournament again and again 
You see, it's a big Lie 

The watered pathways of my soul 
Drowned in the empty hollows of elevated misery 
I live in my head in a bleary world 
Bleached of the bright colours of your presence 
But I'll paste a Joker's smile on my face 
I'm learning how to live a lie 

-Oluwasina Niran

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