Mishmashed convention of personal abhorence in societal depression
Activated by wishful fantasies and annoying realities
Product of a war between Morals, a contest for the ages
I am my own agent, needing a license to retire
Goading and prodding, life's journey a-plodding
No support, it's a rat race and no one's applauding
And it's appalling, dog pounds and hierarchy
Organized anarchy licensed to fire
Dreams aborted, Labour a long process
And some deliveries, frozen in place
Its an emotional stillbirth
Newborn to be swallowed up, death of progress and revenge of Prejudices
It's historical, antecedents for a license to expire
Mass slaughter of every emotion, name that a -cide.
Cold hearts beget cold acts beget cold hands
And if its fleeting, why chase after for meaning?
I am a warrior for my Fate, asking for license to Expire.
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